Whitepaper Local Onlinemarketing

Local online marketing: How you can motivate your sales and distribution partners to break new ground

With the use of smartphones, the internet has gained an even more important place in our lives. This development and the general digitalization drive mean that online channels such as social media and search engines such as Google and Co. are becoming increasingly important in local marketing. In companies with a partner network and / or decentralized sales, the switch to cross-media and digital marketing is often a challenge. Our new whitepaper deals with the important questions: How do I get my local partners on board? How do I motivate the partners to implement local online marketing? What (software) support helps with this implementation? The elaboration is mainly concerned with how you can support the partners with marketing materials and at the same time actively support them.

Download the new whitepaper here and learn more about the challenges that arise in local online marketing and which solutions can help you to implement your online strategy.



Nisa Wielvers
Nisa Wielvers

Marketing Managerin

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