The 5 questions we are always asked and what our answers are

The 5 questions we are always asked and what our answers are

The decision to use software support such as Local Brand X's Local Marketing Platform and to automate the marketing process is not taken lightly in most companies. Of course, such a changeover and the introduction of a new system always bring many positive changes, but also one or the other hurdle. If you have been wondering for a long time whether it wasn't time for your company to use a marketing portal solution and support your partners in local marketing, then take a look at the five most frequently asked questions from our prospects and customers and convince them oneself:

Question 1: Isn't my company too small for that? How many partners do i need?

Many of our customers ask themselves whether such a system is really worthwhile or whether you don't need more partners for it? In 99% of cases, we can answer that it is already worthwhile for smaller companies with only a handful of local partners. Even with a small number of partners, the manual creation of marketing materials and the approval on the part of the headquarters is an additional effort that can be reduced by software automation. The introduction of a marketing management solution is a one-time change for you and your partners, which can save you a lot of time and money in the future. In addition, the price of the software depends on the number of users. As a small company with few partners, you invest significantly less money than a large franchise chain or a group with many local locations.

Question 2: Is it financially worth it for me?

Definitely yes! Obviously, the acquisition of such software or its license is a cost item that makes many customers think about it first. The question of whether a marketing platform makes sense and is economical for your own company can, however, be found out simply through process costing. Here you examine your own marketing processes and all associated resources such as time and costs. These processes can then be compared with the new processes, with the use of software, and the costs offset. For companies that have not yet used any software for marketing and partner management, such automation is definitely a way of saving costs. 

Question 3: Do I have to convert my entire IT system?

No, the Local Marketing Platform can be ideally integrated into your existing IT system. Regardless of whether you are already using a media database (MAM), customer relationship management (CRM) or product information management (PIM), you can integrate all of these systems with the Local Marketing Platform. Using the open interface concept, the individual systems are linked and the data exchange can take place automatically. You can access your media or add new data directly in the system. Other existing connections, such as your own service providers (e.g. print shops), can also be retained and integrated. However, if you have hardly used any systems or external service providers so far, you can fall back on the integrated DAM, inventory control system or the service providers already connected by Local Brand X.

Question 4: How long does it take to deploy the platform?

Once you have decided on the Local Marketing Platform and have already tested the demo version, it goes very quickly. We can provide you and your partners with the basic system of the Local Marketing Platform within 48 hours. Depending on how many interfaces to other systems you need, the integration can take a little longer. Individual extensions, personalized functions and additional developments are also possible to make your system even more optimal. These expansions can also take a little more time until the system has been set up completely according to your personal requirements.

Question 5: How do I get my partners to use the portal and try out new advertising media?

After you have decided on software support, most of our customers are still concerned with how you can get your partner to actually use the offer and obtain their advertising material via the platform. With the Local Marketing Platform you can provide your local partners with versatile marketing materials and enable cross-media local marketing. The provision as templates enables all partners to carry out new advertising measures such as websites, social media or video personalization without any prior knowledge. You can use the news functions and placements in the system to draw your partners' attention to precisely these advertising materials and campaigns. In order to create additional incentives, the system can also distribute advertising subsidies and offer financial support. We would be happy to support you in the onboarding process for these topics.

Would you like to test the Local Marketing Platform? Just arrange a demo.

Try it for free


Nisa Wielvers
Nisa Wielvers

Marketing Managerin

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