Event Management:
Events for and with your partners

With the Event Management Add-On, you can handle the complete organization and implementation of your partner events in the Local Marketing Platform. Whether online, offline or hybrid - events are an ideal way to get in touch with your local partners, provide small incentives or disseminate information directly. By using the add-on, you can plan such events with just a few clicks.

Functions and advantages of the event management add-on

Advantages of partner events

For a successful collaboration between you and your partners, it is important to stay in regular contact and strengthen the sense of belonging to the brand. Events and functions to which you invite your partners are an ideal opportunity to deepen this exchange and also strengthen the personal bond. Whether you are planning a digital webinar to inform your partners about the latest marketing measures or an on-site event to which customers can also be brought along. Every touchpoint with your partners offers the opportunity to develop a long-term relationship that will pay off at all levels.

Management of registrations and guest list

A lot of work goes into organizing such events. Not only planning the content, booking the venues or the right catering - inviting the right partners, confirming registrations and sending out the latest information also has to be done before the event. With the Event Management Add-On, you can create an article for each event in the Local Marketing Platform with just a few clicks. In the event, your partner can now register themselves, other employees or even customers for the event. You can then use these registrations to contact the participants or maintain a guest list and waiting list. This allows you to maintain the necessary overview at all times.

Administration of events in the platform

Using the Event Management add-on supports you with all the administrative tasks of an event and provides a place where all information is collected centrally. In addition to defining guest and waiting lists, other practical content can also be generated and sent automatically. For example, you can issue attendance certificates to your participants, create name badges or send additional documents to participants. The "Event management" article therefore allows you to keep an up-to-date overview of the planning and implementation of the event and to contact your participants.

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Was ist eine Local Marketing Plattform

Was ist eine Local Marketing Plattform?

In diesem Video erklären wir die Herausforderungen im Marketing mit Vertriebs- und Absatzpartnern und zeigen die Funktionen der Local Marketing Plattform.

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