A Local Marketing Platform for industries with indirect sales channels

Whether you are in the travel, automotive or any other industry - Local Brand X offers you the solution for your successful partner marketing.

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[Translate to eng:] Verschiedene Branchen

A Local Marketing Platform for industries with indirect sales channels

Accor Logo IBB Logo E/C/E Logo Emil Frey Logo Hermes Logo

The Local Marketing Platform for many industries

Working with local partners in a decentralized sales network presents a wide range of challenges. Even though each industry has its own specifications and marketing preferences, similar difficulties arise in many areas. Reaching local customers is one of the most important tasks for many companies and brands. Whether online or physically, customers are still increasingly looking for suppliers in their direct environment. Brands can take advantage of this behavior and target the specific audience and target group locally. In addition to classic advertising media such as posters, brochures and business cards, digital content is also becoming increasingly popular in local marketing.

The expectations that customers have of the services provided can only be met with interactive, creative and progressive solutions. It is therefore more important than ever to work on innovative communication channels in addition to the actual products: If customers find information possibilities presented in an appealing way online, if they have questions they get answers in real time from chat offers and if they can easily arrange appointments via digital calendars in the stores, then companies secure a decisive competitive advantage.

For whom is decentralized marketing relevant?

Decentralized marketing is relevant for all companies that are organized decentrally but still receive guidelines for their local marketing from the head office. Sectors in which this predominantly applies are:


[Translate to eng:] Automobil Branche


[Translate to eng:] Branche Bank


[Translate to eng:] Branche Bau und Handwerk

Construction and crafts

[Translate to eng:] Branche Elektronik


[Translate to eng:] Branchen Franchise


[Translate to eng:] Gastronomie


[Translate to eng:] Branche Gesundheit


[Translate to eng:] Branchen Haushaltswaren


[Translate to eng:] Branche Handel


[Translate to eng:] Heiz-, Lüftungs- und Klimatechnik

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning technology

[Translate to eng:] Hotel Branche

Hotel industry

[Translate to eng:] Branche Inneneinrichtung

Interior design

[Translate to eng:] Kosmetik Branche


[Translate to eng:] Mode und Schmuck Branche

Fashion and jewelry

[Translate to eng:] Branchen Maschinenbau

Mechanical engineering

[Translate to eng:] Reise und Tourismus Branche

Travel and tourism

[Translate to eng:] Branche Sanitär


[Translate to eng:] Telekommunikation


[Translate to eng:] Branche Vereine und Verbände

Associations and NGOs

[Translate to eng:] Branche Versicherung


[Translate to eng:] Getränke & Spirituosen

Beverages & Spirits

[Translate to eng:] Lebensmittel


[Translate to eng:] Tankstellen

Gas stations

[Translate to eng:] Behörden


Advantages of a Local Marketing Platform

From the perspective of the marketing department

  • Central control and maintenance of all advertising measures and marketing materials
  • Secure compliance with the corporate design-compliant Brand appearance
  • Transparency of the activities and marketing success of the partners
  • Cost and time savings through integrated, automated processes

From the perspective of the partners

  • Web-based platform for retrieval and creation of marketing material
  • Flexible adaptation of advertising and marketing measures with a simple editor
  • Recommendation of advertising campaigns for individual situations
  • Support in increasing local visibility

Do you want your partners to be able to fully exploit the marketing potential of your company, while at the same time positioning your brand more strongly locally, or simply saving costs and time?

Then get in touch with us today - we look forward to hearing from you.