Marketing- & Budgetplanner

When working with many different partners in different locations, it is particularly important to provide a unified marketing and campaign plan. This plan provides partners with a guideline on the key marketing priorities for the coming year or quarter. Additional budget planning is used to try to encourage individual partners to carry out a certain level of marketing.

More than 50,000 partners already work with Local Brand X

You have ...

... many local partners who do independent marketing


... a variety of marketing measures and campaigns


... campaign focal points or time-limited actions to be implemented by the partners


Planning is half the battle

Especially when working with many different local partners, it is important to provide the best possible support for marketers. With a uniform marketing and budget plan, you provide your partners with a roadmap that they can use to conduct ideal local marketing for your brand. The ability to customize this general plan in the Local Marketing Platform makes it quick and easy for each partner to do their own planning and still follow the guidelines.


Unified marketing planning in four steps

Determine marketing focus(es) throughout the year


Plan appropriate marketing campaigns and measures


Provide suitable item packages for your partners


Carry out budget planning and make it editable for the partners


Campaign Management

The marketing plan lists all the company's marketing activities in the planned period. By planning individual campaigns that can be adopted by the partners, an attempt is made to integrate the broadest possible range of marketing materials. Your partners can pick and choose from the general marketing plan the campaigns that best fit their products and own focus.

Uniform campaign focus

The marketing plan can be used to ensure that the same campaign priorities are set throughout the company. In this way, all partners ideally advertise similar campaigns and products at the same time. This strengthens the impact and recognition value among customers.

Efficient use of the marketing budget

In addition to the marketing planner of the individual measures and campaigns, a general budget planning can also be shared with the partners. It provides partners with an overview and specification of the budget they should ideally use for their marketing activities.

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