[Translate to eng:] Weihnachts-Marketing

Last Minute Christmas Marketing: How to Reach Your Customers Even Now

Sunday is already the fourth of Advent and Christmas is just a good week away. Is it already too late to boost your Christmas business and reach your customers? No! Even now there are still possibilities to convince prospective customers with exciting Christmas deals or to get back in the memory of your existing customers with nice Christmas greetings. Of course, it is now a bit scarce for elaborate print productions or the planning of an event, but especially online marketing offers ideal opportunities that can be implemented directly. Read here our tips for a successful last minute Christmas campaign.

1. Make your web presence Christmassy

To convince your digital visitors and prospects about your Christmas offers, it helps not only to enable special discounts, but also to make your presence festive. Special headers, Christmas-themed images and texts help attract attention and match the current mood of customers. Use this festive season and emotions for your business and offer visitors a Christmas experience.

2. Send digital Christmas mail

Even though it may already be too late for the elaborate handwritten Christmas card, you can still send your customers Christmas mail. With a seasonal newsletter, you not only send Christmas greetings, but can also directly point out last minute offers, gift ideas or discounts. This way you can boost your Christmas business even shortly before the end of the season.

3. Social media posts, ads and promotions

This year, Christmas content was particularly popular on social media from the end of November. It doesn't matter whether it's private individuals with their decorated home and tree or companies with campaigns for St. Nicholas and Advent. With a post on Instagram, an ad on Facebook or an Advent sweepstakes, you can reach your prospects directly via social media and convince them of the selected content.

4. Christmas greetings video for your customers

You want to be remembered by your customers in a particularly good way and get in touch personally? With a personal Christmas video, this is possible even if you don't have a physical store or your customers are already on winter vacation. Record a small greeting message with your smartphone or webcam and send it to your customer contacts for personal and special Christmas greetings.

Would you like to support your partners in Christmas marketing? All advertising measures shown here can also be easily implemented with the Local Marketing Platform.

Daniela von Local Brand X
Daniela Geppert

Marketing Managerin

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