Structured to Local Marketing Success: The Marketing and Budget Planner

With the "Marketing and Budget Planner" extension, Local Brand X offers the answer to the question of a tool to plan your own marketing activities in advance. The new functionalities allow local partners to create their own individual marketing plan and manage the required budget without much prior knowledge.

The marketing and campaign plan provided by the central marketing department is usually hard to disseminate. Previously, such schedules had to be submitted individually to the partners. However, local partners need this information early and bundled to tailor the measures to their own situation and environment and to create their own personal campaign plan for the fiscal year. The new marketing and budget planner from Local Brand X will help.


All measures at a glance

As an Upselling.X extension, the planner will be able to create clear campaign and action plans and define the budget. Here, the central marketing department can give a recommendation for the entire year, which partners can take over in their own marketing plan with just one click and then adjust. Here you can edit and personalize the articles, the period and the planned budget of a campaign or measure at any time. In addition, additional measures can be removed from the plan. Thus, each partner can carry out their own personal planning and always receives a transparent overview of all activities.

Measurement of progress

After initial planning, the tool also helps with the execution of each campaign. By setting up e-mail notifications, the partners can be reminded in good time about the preparation and ordering of the measures. Thus, no important advertising focus is missed more and the headquarters does not have to point out in the course of the year. The further the year has progressed, the more it is possible to check which measures have already been carried out. The integrated budget function can also be used to check the budget planned and used for each individual measure. Thus, it can be determined at a glance where budget is still available or at which corners may have been spent too much. The additional integration of other orders that can not be assigned to a campaign allows the planner to view a complete cost overview over a specific period of time.

By using the marketing planner, the campaigns can thus be made predictable and measurable and a transparent overview of the marketing measures and costs can be achieved.

Does that sound interesting to you? Contact us via our contact form, we are happy to help.

Simon von Local Brand X
Simon Hofbauer

Head of Customer Success, Authorized Signatory

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