Print mailings in local marketing - landing directly in the mailbox of the target group

The world of marketing continues to evolve inexorably, and digital advances make it seem as if traditional marketing methods are becoming less important. But there is one proven marketing method that is experiencing an impressive upswing, especially in local marketing: print mailing. 

Print mailing, also known as direct mail, involves the postal dispatch of advertising materials, such as letters, flyers, brochures or coupons, to potential or existing customers. The marketing measure aims to attract the attention of the target group, inform them about products or services and trigger a call to action, such as a visit to the store, a phone call or a purchase. Print mailings are thus by no means outdated and can play a significant role, especially for companies with local target groups.


3 advantages of print mailings for companies with local partners

The first key added value of print mailings is the ability to target the local audience. Companies can specifically select the people who are to receive the message or filter the recipients by location. This avoids wastage and ensures that the mailing reaches directly those people who are also inclined to use the products or services. 

In times when e-mail inboxes are flooded with advertising messages, the print mailing also offers a way to stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of recipients. An appealing letter with an eye-catching insert or a small package with a personalized promotional gift is usually more likely to be remembered than an e-mail in a crowded mailbox.  

Print mailings also allow companies to establish a more personal connection with the local target group, compared to other digital advertising measures. A signed letter with your address on the envelope makes recipients feel more connected to the company and builds trust with the brand. Many people appreciate the effort the company has made and are better able to remember the name of the company or brand.


Examples of print mailing measures in local marketing

The design of the print mailing depends heavily on the goals to be achieved with the advertising campaign and the target group to be addressed. For example, personalized thank-you cards, exclusive offers or birthday greetings are ideal for print mailings to existing customers to express appreciation and strengthen customer loyalty. For special occasions, such as anniversaries, new openings or events, companies can inspire with printed personalized invitations or information flyers. If the print mailing is sent to people who have not previously come into contact with the company's product or service, eye-catching print mailings are particularly suitable. For example, these can be letters with an unusual or fun insert such as sweets or small promotional gifts.


Combining print and digital

The use of print mailings in local marketing by no means means that emails and other digital advertising measures have to be completely dispensed with. Quite the opposite: combining digital advertising measures and print campaigns offers an excellent opportunity to reach the target group at several points in the customer journey and increase the effectiveness of the campaign.

In addition, linking print and digital elements helps measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts. By including landing pages, custom contact forms or QR codes on printed materials, companies can track the success of their print mailings. When recipients scan the QR code or visit the URL provided, they can be directed to specially designed landing pages. Here they can learn more about the advertised offer, register and/ or leave their data in a form. This type of interaction generates measurable data that gives companies insights into recipient engagement, which they can use to come back to the target person at a later time.

Carolin Klein
Carolin Klein

Marketing Managerin

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