Digital marketing

In general, all marketing activities that are carried out online are referred to as digital marketing. run as digital marketing.




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Digital marketing: what is it all about?

Many companies can no longer be imagined without digital marketing in 2019. In general, all marketing activities that are carried out online are referred to as digital marketing or digital marketing. To give specific examples, you don't have to go far from our everyday companions, because almost everyone is now affected by digital advertisements on Google, Facebook and Co. The digital networking of the 21st century enables companies to contact their customers digitally via various online channels, through SEO and on social media and to disseminate content. Figures also prove the importance of digital marketing: people spend twice as much time online today than they did 12 years ago. This change is having a huge impact on society's shopping behavior. Traditional marketing has long been overshadowed by digital marketing, which means the majority of us make our purchases online and digitally.

A sea of ​​online channels

There are now almost as many digital channels on which you can display your advertising and content as there are classic articles from the print sector. You should not only pay attention to individual platforms or social media, because there are a variety of ways to advertise online and to address customers. Digital marketing is often a symbiosis of several platforms. A good example of this is Facebook in conjunction with Google. Advertising is nothing new on both platforms. With the 'pixel' from Facebook, people who have already been on your website can be replayed with advertising. In this case one speaks of "retargeting". In addition to Facebook and Google, there are numerous platforms and tactics that you can use for your own company.

Examples of measures in digital marketing:

  • Content marketing
  • Search engine marketing (SEM)
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Affiliate Marketing remarketing
  • Referral Marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Email and newsletter marketing
  • Mobile marketing and apps

Examples of advertising measures and channels in marketing:

  • Social media channels (Facebook, Xing, Twitter, Instagram etc.)
  • Online reporting (PR, social media, etc.)
  • Online Brochures
  • Branding material (logos, fonts, etc.) website
  • Blog
  • Posts
  • E-books and white papers
  • Infographics & interactive tools
The start of digital marketing

The start of digital marketing

In order to make the leap from pure offline communication to digital marketing, you should be aware of which strategy will lead to success for your target group. Regardless of how you decide, the content you produce should convey the important information to the target group in the best possible way. Classic digital measures would be, for example, marketing via a company's own blog or the distribution of content via a newsletter via email. In addition, the information can be spread on social media in order to reach as many interested parties as possible in the target group. Another strategy to make the content and information easier to find is to structure the content and texts using SEO. This focus on SEO is mainly relevant for your own blog. It makes the content easier to find by search engines and increases digital awareness within the target group.

Is digital marketing suitable for everyone? B2B and B2C?

Digital marketing can work for any business in any industry. It doesn't really matter what products or services your company sells. Digital marketing is ideal for determining your target group, identifying their needs and creating digitally valuable content for them. However, that doesn't mean that all companies should build their digital marketing strategies the same way.

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Digital marketing in online retail

In online trading, digital marketing plays an even more important role in marketing than in B2B sectors. In the best case, visitors to your website should be converted to customers the first time they visit your website, without ever speaking to an employee or physically holding the products and articles in their hands. For this reason, don't concentrate on generating “leads” at first. It's more likely that you will focus your marketing on an accelerated customer journey - from the first website visit to the actual purchase. This means that you are already integrating information about product functions into your marketing campaigns. The strategy in digital marketing must be that customers recognize a clear added value in your product or article and buy it directly in the online shop. In addition, you need stronger or more specific communication and call-to-actions. Ask your customers to use the 10% voucher directly and digitally when ordering! Often, prompts and direct communication are an incentive to buy your product quickly.

In the ravages of time with a marketing portal

Marketing portals play an important role in the digital marketing of decentralized companies. With a large number of sales and distribution partners, branches or branches, a daily challenge arises to equip the partner network with CD-compliant advertising measures and campaigns. All marketing measures can be accessed at any time through a cloud-based marketing portal. It does not matter whether you are a layman or an advanced user in digital marketing: Ready-made advertising measures such as e-mail newsletters, advertisements, articles for your own blog or Facebook ads can be personalized, booked and published directly by the partner. The first successes of a digital campaign can be seen after just a few weeks. Risk minimization should not be disregarded: With an individual budget and target group selection for your digital content, you do not take high risks and can scale at any time if the campaign is successful. The advertising progress of your partners is only a few clicks away.

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