Simple local marketing
for your sales partners

The Local Marketing Platform is a cloud-based marketing management platform that supports companies in equipping their sales partners with local marketing measures, increasing marketing knowledge and carrying out successful local marketing.


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[Translate to eng:] Local Marketing Plattform von Local Brand X

What is a Local Marketing Platform?

With the Local Marketing Platform, you can support your sales partners in the planning, creation and implementation of local marketing measures and campaigns. Regardless of whether you want to enable cross-media local marketing for your sales partners or focus on online, social media, print or video marketing, the Local Marketing Platform makes it easy to carry out a wide range of advertising measures locally without much prior knowledge.  

Your sales partners have the opportunity to drive their own marketing independently and address the target group locally, while you at head office have better planning capability and a simple overview of marketing activities. The platform not only guarantees seamless compliance with the corporate design, but also offers the opportunity to implement uniform campaign and budget plans across the company and brand. The automated processing of local marketing measures gives you more time and resources at head office for planning and designing marketing. In this way, you not only support your local sales partners, but also contribute to greater awareness and the success of the company in general.  

Thanks to the modular structure and the expansion options of the Local Brand X add-ons, the Local Marketing Platform adapts ideally to your needs and marketing priorities.

Module overview

The Local Marketing Platform is a modular SaaS solution that adapts perfectly to customer needs. Decide for yourself whether you want to provide your sales partners with print, online, social media or video measures.


Advantages of a Local Marketing Platform

From the perspective of the marketing department

  • Central management and maintenance of all advertising measures and marketing materials
  • Secure compliance with the corporate design-compliant brand identity
  • Simple provision of measures, campaigns and information
  • Transparency of the partners' activities and marketing success
  • Cost and time savings through integrated, automated processes

From the partners' perspective

  • Web-based platform for retrieving and creating marketing material
  • Measures for a cross-media marketing mix (e.g. print advertising, Google Ads, video, social media, etc.) 
  • Flexible and simple adaptation of advertising and marketing measures to your own target group
  • Recommendations for campaigns and articles for individual situations
  • Support in increasing local visibility

Ist die Local Marketing Plattform das Richtige für Sie?

Buchen Sie sich jetzt ein kurzes Beratungsgespräch, um zu verstehen, wie Sie mit der Plattform Ihr Vertriebspartnermarketing optimieren können. 

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Basic funtions

The various functions of the Local Marketing Platform help you to ideally support your partners in local marketing. Whether you want to manage your customer data, articles or service providers or need easy access to assets and evaluations, the Local Marketing Platform offers the right function.


Advertising measures per module

Would you like to support your partners in cross-media marketing? You can use our modules to offer your partners individualized advertising measures in the areas of print, online, social media or video marketing. Whether it's a simple print mailing, a new promotional film or a customized website - with the Local Marketing Platform you can create a comprehensive marketing mix.


Discover the Local Marketing Platform and
all the advantages for you and your partners.

Get started right away and ask for our 30-day free demo version.

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Was ist eine Local Marketing Plattform

Was ist eine Local Marketing Plattform?

In diesem Video erklären wir die Herausforderungen im Marketing mit Vertriebs- und Absatzpartnern und zeigen die Funktionen der Local Marketing Plattform.

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