Manual vs. automated marketing production process

Manual vs. automated marketing production process

In most companies, despite advancing digitization, many processes are still not automated but run manually. Especially in marketing and when working with local partners, these manual processes can lead to additional expenditure of time and money. Each individual marketing material has to be created, edited, layouted and ordered manually for the local partners. As a result, marketing campaigns can be very time-consuming, involve a lot of effort and a high time-to-market. In doing so, you quickly lose track of things and are less able to understand and analyze which advertising materials are currently being used by the individual partners. Thus, not only the implementation, but also the success of the local marketing measures is difficult to analyze and compare. Due to the long coordination processes and the required approvals, the manual marketing process can also mean that everyone involved has little motivation to actually carry out marketing measures.

Why do companies choose marketing automation?

In most cases, however, these disadvantages are only noticeable when the marketing process is examined more closely and the desire for change is usually already given. At the beginning there are often only wishes for better and more uniform marketing and company-wide campaign plans. Manual marketing processes can take up a lot of time and money, especially when carrying out cross-media campaigns at different locations and with different partners. In addition, there is the desire for more individual and locally adapted marketing materials that still comply with the guidelines and corporate design. As well as a uniform campaign and budget planning and an overview of the individual materials of your own partners.

Automated marketing process

All of these (improvement) requests can be met through an automated marketing process. In most cases, a platform is used on which all marketing-relevant processes come together and can take place without a lot of approvals and consultations. Ideally, you as a company can give your employees and partners a given marketing and campaign plan, which is made up of individual marketing materials. All these materials are available as templates and can be customized and ordered or published directly by the users. Thanks to the template-based work, the uniform brand image and corporate design are preserved. You also enable your partners to use new advertising media, such as social media or individual video productions, without any prior knowledge or technical know-how. By using one system for all partner marketing processes and the automated processes, reporting and analysis of the individual advertising measures can also be easily and uniformly accessed and carried out.

Local Marketing Platform as software support

Local Brand X's Local Marketing Platform offers you an all-in-one solution in which you can plan, carry out and evaluate cross-media marketing campaigns together with your local partners. This enables you to provide materials for the print, digital and online areas and to constantly expand your advertising repertoire. With the automated marketing process, you can not only support your partners and deliver a uniform platform, but also make significant savings in process costs.

Simon von Local Brand X
Simon Hofbauer

Head of Customer Success, Authorized Signatory

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