Local Brand X Magazine Marketing and communication in uncertain times

Marketing and communication in uncertain times: Get started right after the crisis

The easing of the past few weeks is slowly allowing companies and businesses in Germany to breathe again. Of course, we are still in the middle of an economic crisis, but shops and restaurants are open again, tourism is slowly starting again at Pentecost within Germany and schools and daycare centers are also receiving more children. All in all, slow steps to a normality that will be with us for a while. In order to keep losses as low as possible and to get back in touch with customers, the question arises how marketing can work in these uncertain times. In general, it is expected that consumption and purchasing power will return to normal after the crisis and that people will return to shops and stores. This is the time to be used because the potential to increase market share is significantly greater in times of upswing than in growth phases. Now it is a matter of targeting people, building trust and embodying security and quality.

Relevant consumption in times of crisis

In order to attract customers and stimulate consumption in uncertain times, price, quality and proximity to the customer play a major role. The goal, of course, is to increase sales and promote general brand awareness. To do this, you need to communicate convincingly and address customers correctly. This is the only way to increase the market share in the long term and generate more profit again. In order to reach customers at the moment, you should refrain from very advertising content and focus more on emotionality, feelings and closeness. Communicate authentically and value the quality of your products and services. Of course, the price also plays a major role. Many people will have to pay more attention to their money due to the crisis and are therefore more receptive to cheap offers that still go hand in hand with good quality. With a fair price-performance ratio, you can continue to convince customers of the brand in the long term. Local companies in particular can catch up more after the acute crisis. Despite initial restrictions and closed shops, it has been shown that online retail cannot replace brick-and-mortar retail. Right now, a lot of emphasis is placed on regionality and the support of smaller, local providers. Use this trend and convince the local customers with their offer and personal advice (on site or digitally).

Use new marketing channels and trends

After communication with customers and general marketing has been increasingly online in many places in the past weeks and months, now is a good time to take physical advertising measures again. Out-of-home marketing measures in particular, such as large-format posters or digital advertisements in cities, fit into the time when people are leaving their houses and apartments again. In general, the majority of the population feels a desire for normality that draws more people outside and into the cities again. It is assumed that this will be noticed even more in summer and by the increased domestic tourism. Places with leisure facilities such as zoos, amusement parks or sights will attract more locals and local visitors this year and are therefore a good place to point out your own company and offers. Out-of-home offers are currently still abundant and can be booked flexibly, which offers the opportunity to use these attractive offers for advertisers and to invest in a new marketing area.

Rely on long-term planning

Despite the current opportunities, one should not forget to plan long-term and keep an eye on the current trends and (digital) achievements. Even in the out-of-home area, not everything will work as it did before the Corona period. Currently, many people still avoid public transport and drive their own car or bicycle, or run to work and into the city. This must also be taken into account when choosing the right advertising space, where previously there was a lot of advertising at train stations and in the tram, currently there are more free spaces in squares and parks. In addition, the expansion of the home office will allow more people to work from home in many areas even after the crisis. In general, there is a trend towards more digital offers (e.g. services, church services, advice, etc.), which can also be important for communication with customers. Now is the time when you can include new digital offers that support your physical assortment and bring more flexibility in the relationship between you and the customer. In general, it is worthwhile to work sustainably on an authentic and responsible image and to communicate not only the sales, but also the social commitment of the company. In this way you can also positively influence brand perception in the future and retain customers in the long term.


Simon von Local Brand X
Simon Hofbauer

Head of Customer Success, Authorized Signatory

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